Localisation is done by overriding functionalities in
. Please refer to
The service accept Angular LOCALE_ID
global variable. Changing the default local will affect Date and DateTime cell formatter.
Texts displayed in NgxPanemuTable is using
interface. The default are:
import { LabelTranslation } from "./label-translation";
export const DEFAULT_LABEL_TRANSLATION : LabelTranslation = {
search: 'Type here or double click to search',
loading: 'Loading...',
day: 'Day',
month: 'Month',
year: 'Year',
groupBy: 'Group By',
noData: 'No data to display',
searcForValueInColumn: 'Search for "{par0}" in:',
selectColumnToSearchOn: 'Select a column to search on',
columns: 'Columns',
visibility_position_stickiness: 'Visibility, Position and Stickiness',
stickyStart: 'Sticky Start',
stickyEnd: 'Sticky End',
reset: 'Reset',
transpose: 'Transpose',
transposeSearch: 'Search...',
setting: 'Setting',
export: 'Export',
pleaseSelectARowToDisplay: 'Please select a row to display here',
validationError: {
required: 'This field is required',
minlength: 'Minimum {par0} characters, actual {par1} characters',
maxlength: 'Max {par0} characters, actual {par1} characters',
email: 'Invalid Email',
min: 'Min value is {par0}, actual value is {par1}',
max: 'Max value is {par0}, actual value is {par1}',
pattern: 'Invalid value'
queryEditor: 'Query Editor',
column: 'Column ',
searchValue: 'Search Value',
stringRepresentation: 'String Representation',
cancel: 'Cancel',
apply: 'Apply',
yesterday: 'Yesterday',
today: 'Today',
tomorrow: 'Tomorrow'
Notice the searcForValueInColumn
has {par0}
part. It is a variable that will be replaced by text entered in search input field.
One way to change some or all the translation is as follow:
import { formatDate } from '@angular/common';
import { Inject, Injectable, LOCALE_ID } from '@angular/core';
import { CellFormatter , DefaultColumnOptions , LabelTranslation , PanemuTableService , TableOptions } from 'ngx-panemu-table';
@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class CustomPanemuTableService extends PanemuTableService {
labelTranslation: LabelTranslation ;
constructor(@Inject(LOCALE_ID) locale: string) {
this.labelTranslation = super.getLabelTranslation();
this.labelTranslation.searcForValueInColumn = 'Filter "{par0}" on column:';
this.labelTranslation.validationError.required = 'Please specify value for this field.';
override getLabelTranslation() {
return this.labelTranslation;
override getDateCellFormatter(): CellFormatter {
return (val) => {
return formatDate(val, 'd MMM yyyy', this.locale) || ''
override getColumnOptions(): Required<DefaultColumnOptions > {
const options = super.getColumnOptions();
options.sortable = false;
return options;